12 December 2022
This is a Golden Post-It.
It’s a magic spell.
Some specific aspects of it give the Golden Post-It its power.
The Golden Post-It is tangible artifact for a tangible target.
It embodies one of the 6 elements of duty: our AIM.
The Post-It wears with time.
Builds character.
Develops a soul of its own.
It was typewritten. Typewriting adds to the magic of the artifact.
It’s a token of time past, a reminder of what I committed to.
A todo in your phone won’t work.
The Golden Post-It is a contract.
It’s dated,
It’s typewritten, for God’s sake!
It is a formal commitment.
A simple note won’t work.
The Golden Post-It aims at concrete things.
10 posts
before 8.00am.
Unnecessary specificity.
Unnecessary is what makes it work.
Generic won’t work.
The Golden Post-It has been sticked to my laptop since it was written.
I cannot NOT see it.
I cannot ignore my commitment.
It’s golden for a reason.
A note in a random page of your notebook won’t work.
The Golden Post-It is updated frequently.
I typed 10 Os in the Post-It. Everytime I publish a post, I cross one of them.
It’s not just a target but a tracker.
Tracking progress in the same paper adds to its power.
The artifact becomes alive: a living document, capturing the work, evolving with it.
A witness of your integrity.
A paper that stays untouched for long won’t work.
The Golden Post-It:
A tangible artifact
that represents a personal commitment
in a way that is unnecessarily specific.
Placed where it cannot be ignored.
Touched at every milestone.
The 5 sources of magic power of the Golden Post-It.
And with this one I arrive at the end of the line, the last item will get crossed soon enough. I honored my contract.
A sense of integrity is built for reaching my goal.
A sense of disorientation, in the absence of a new target.
A sense of possibility, while I look at the open field in front of me.
A new Golden Post-It must be minted. Soon. Before the tide carries me to random shores. But, for now, I’ll sit and enjoy the views.