19 September 2022

I might have started too many things by now.

I surely have finished too few.

Beginnings are intoxicating.
They lift me up.
Guilty pleasure I shamelessly indulge.

what is finishing, anyway?
No, Adrian, no; nothing is ever finished.

nothing ever ends

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities.”
I feed and grow and thrive on possibility.
Possibility is my currency.
Begin, I shall.

not finishing but shipping.
I shall not confuse the two.
Shipping’s an obligation; finishing, a distraction.
No, Adam, no; our films never get finished, they just get released.
Definition of Done.

they just get released

The only thing standing between me and done is my ego.
Ego, the mind-killer; the little-death.
I shall face my ego.
Let it pass over me and through me.
And where ego has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
And I shall be done.

To make actual what is potential.
I shall

“Always be a beginner.”

always be ginning


  1. Watchmen, by Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons and John Higgings
  2. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki
  3. Not waving but drowning, by Steve Smith
  4. Letter from Pete Docter to fan
  5. Scrum methodology, Definition of Done
  6. The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield
  7. Litany Against Fear, from Dune, by Frank Herbert
  8. Hexagram 1. The Creative, from I Ching.
  9. Glenngarry Glen Ross, by James Foley

TODO: decide if sharing a list of references is interesting or demeaning.

Design log #1

Someone said that no design can beat:

html {
    font-size: 24px;
    line-height: 1.3;

body {
    max-width: 32em;
    margin: 5em auto;

img {
    max-width: 100%;

It’s probably right. It’s certainly boring.

I thought on overthinking the design of this site and wait 6 months to start publishing.

Or simply share how it evolves over time.

(I chose the latter, in case of doubt.)

With such a minimal palette as plain HTML, I had to go for typography and whitespace as my only tools.

If whitespace is your main colour, you end in poetry.

Perhaps that is the true definition of poetry, actually.

Poetry is whitespace.

No… poetry… is you.

You… are… whitespace?

leaving now

I…….. will close the door after leaving.
