Computer programming is a craft 🪡.

Craftsmen commit to a lifelong journey to mastery.

Craftsmen learn, customize and build their own tools 🪚, no matter if it's a custom built mechanical keyboard ⌨️, a highly tailored IDE or a set of helper scripts 💻.

The set of available tools is ever growing: languages, frameworks, techniques... Good computer programmers avoid distractions through focus 👁️ and commitment 💪.

Good computer programmers know their stack, and focus on mastering what is less prone to change.

At the bottom of the stack they find the essential technology that is used in every project: themselves 👨🏻‍💻. Good computer programmers aim to master body 🏋️‍♀️ and mind 🧠 for peak performance.

As a good computer programmer, you...